When I was little, I remember sitting at my Pa's service station watching the parade. We would move the two benches that were in front of the building to the road and watch. Many times my Dad would be driving the fire truck in the parade. From some reason I was scared to ride with him until I got older. But that never stopped my other cousins from riding!
Now that my Dad has a new building next to the old one my Pa worked in, we gather there every year to watch the parade. The gathering has grown by leaps and bounds. Last year we grilled out and had pork chops, hamburger, hot dogs, and all the fixings (baked beans, slaw, potato salad, etc). This year we decided to simplify: hot dogs, grilled bologna, chips, potato salad, and dessert. It was a big hit!
We had to clean up before the big day, so Thursday night two of my aunts and my Mom cleaned while my uncles and Dad sat in the back and relaxed!
The lift in the center of the garage is a perfect buffet! I think these are the perfect pictures of a red neck get-together. When the parade started we moved to the street to watch. Derrick was so excited that he was out there waiting way before the parade even got close! Here are some of the floats from the parade.
After the parade it was time for everyone to take it easy and wait for traffic to clear up.
In fact Derrick took this a little too far . . .
Until Kelly decided he needed to take pictures of us. These were the best two. Trust me there were many, many more!
Everyone had a good time at the Strawberry Festival and left looking forward to next year!